Holiday homes are the trend of the times. For insurance companies, they are a risk. Therefore, insurance policies are usually expensive here. It is cheaper in general, if the insurance is complete with the same company that already provides the main residence.
When Christmas is coming and with it a few days. The you need, but even after the stress of the last weeks of the year, which are always marked by agitation to buy gifts, annual financial statements at the office and so on. A little change of scenery could not hurt since. Many then travel in the heat of an anonymous hotel, and some just pack the basics and go into his house.
At home, on vacation here knows everything, neighbors may also be there every year, you can invite friends. For many, this is the best form of relaxation. To spend free days in your own home is the best form of holiday for them. But it is important, of course, ensure that only correct. For where a longhouse is empty, time is also faster this happens. It may be storm damage or break a mess of water unnoticed. It is boring, anyway, if something breaks, and nobody stands up for her. Therefore, homeowner’s insurance policies are so important for the holidays.
First home insurance companies provided insurance is the insurance of a house always a risk. For this reason alone, because the houses are mostly just empty a long time and are more or less accessible. Damage can thus accumulate or worse if they are not detected in time. This risk the company can of course pay dearly. Premiums are generally higher than other insurance objects. And this is not even whether you want out of residential buildings, contents or legal protection insurance.
Principal residence even more than the insurer, many insurers consider it important that before the insurance of the holiday home of a principal residence is also available with them. Only then they run the risk of the company. Tip: Anyone who wants to ensure his holiday home, contact your partner’s current insurance company first. After his offer a comparison with other suppliers, but is then attached to each case.
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